# VuePress

VuePress is a Vue-powered Static Site Generator

# VuePress Plugin

Vssue provides a VuePress Plugin - @vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue - to help use Vssue in VuePress quickly.

# Usage

# Installation

Install @vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue and API package via NPM:

npm install @vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue
npm install @vssue/api-github-v3

# Use the plugin

See VuePress Official Docs for how to use a plugin in detail

// .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    '@vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue': {
      // set `platform` rather than `api`
      platform: 'github',

      // all other options of Vssue are allowed
      owner: 'OWNER_OF_REPO',
      repo: 'NAME_OF_REPO',
      clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
      clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',


The only difference is that, you should set platform rather than the api package itself.

@vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue will auto resolve the corresponding api package according to the value of platform:

  • platform github - api package @vssue/api-github-v3
  • platform github-v4 - api package @vssue/api-github-v4
  • platform gitlab - api package @vssue/api-gitlab-v4
  • platform bitbucket - api package @vssue/api-bitbucket-v2
  • platform gitee - api package @vssue/api-gitee-v5
  • platform gitea - api package @vssue/api-gitea-v1


If you don't set the locale option, Vssue will use VuePress's $lang as the language of current page.

See locale of Vssue and $lang of VuePress

# Use Vssue Component

Vssue has already been registered as a Vue component, and can be used in your VuePress markdown directly.

<!-- README.md -->

# Vssue Demo

<Vssue :title="$title" />


You can go to the repo meteorlxy/vssue-demo to get the demo code.

# Custom Style Variables

With the power of palette.styl of VuePress, you can set the Variables of Vssue Style easily.

By default, those Vssue variables are set to VuePress variables:

// @vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue/styles/index.styl

$vssue-theme-color ?= $accentColor
$vssue-text-color ?= $textColor
$vssue-border-color ?= $borderColor
$vssue-breakpoint-mobile ?= $MQMobile

If you want to override them, just set them in your palette.styl:

// .vuepress/styles/palette.styl

$vssue-theme-color = red

# Do not want to use our plugin?

Vssue has tried to be SSR-friendly, so you can import Vssue directly in VuePress like other vue plugins / components without @vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue (especially if you have customized the styles of Vssue).

But we still suggest you to use @vssue/vuepress-plugin-vssue in VuePress, which has already helped you make <Vssue> component client-only to avoid some potential issues.

If you do not want to use the plugin we provided, you may need to wrap <Vssue> component into <ClientOnly> component to avoid those potential issues, i.e. :

  <Vssue />

See Built-in Components - ClientOnly of VuePress